the rest is still unwritten

Saturday, November 13, 2010

YouTube - Lifetrack lightbulb and More

Okay, so I am the master of MIA. But I'm here now.

So, I spent an inordinate amount of time on YouTube today. I created a YouTube account years ago, but never uploaded anything. A few weeks ago, one of my good friends posted a video on YouTube in support of the It Gets Better Project. It's a movement wherein adults from all walks of life create a video telling queer victims of teen bullying that it gets better. (Seriously, check it out) The numbers of queer teens who opt out (by this I mean commit suicide) is staggeringly high. One might see the project as a been-there-done-that/in-my-day kinda deal, but I'd like to think that it gives queer youth hope.

Anyway, a few weeks ago my friend made one, and I was inspired to tell my story. Over the last few weeks, when my mind was free, I would try and come up with exactly what I wanted to say. But it kept changing and I feared that writing out a script would take from the sincerity of it all and so I decided to just do it.

After running errands all day. I finally found a quiet little nook, sat down and was about to start recording. And then the webcam wouldn't cooperate, so after an hour and a half of finagling my webcam settings (unsuccessfully) I eventually downloaded a program that would record video. By the time I was all set up, my inspiration and enthusiasm was spent and my quiet little nook was no more. So the video is once again postponed...

After all the webcam shenanigans I decided to browse some of the "recommended for you" videos... I clicked on a short one from a 17-year-old kid who was telling people to stop the hate. And the comments this kid took were just appalling. It scares me how many close minded people there are in this world. It's terrifying; the kinds of things a person can say to another human being. Geez.

Years ago I filled up a Facebook Survey and one of the fields was goals in life. My answer was (and still is): To change the world one person at a time. Seeing all those comments... gah, I can't even put words together right now. I feel driven, inspired, anxious, excited and impatient all at once. I will fulfill my goal - I feel it in my bones.

On a lighter still YouTube-relevant note:

A few of my friends have talked me into the idea of posting videos of me singing... I've been toying with the idea and I think I may give it a try. You never know who'll be watching right? Haha (Charisse Pempengco send me your fortune) Finally I decided that yes, I will do it. And since I have a LifeTrack genre on this blog, wherein I talk about songs that I love and what they mean to me, then hey, why don't I sing a little something and post it as well? I'm actually kinda excited. They're all going to be songs I absolutely love listening to (and belting in the shower) anyway, so it'll be fun for me to do, and hopefully fun for you to watch/reminisce/listen to as well.

So 'tis all for now. Keep an eye and ear open.

1 comment:

  1. haha.. i like it.. changing the world one person at a time!! seriously I'm learning a lot from your blogs!
    my life goal would be:
    be part of an organization (missionaries) that ends starvation and at them same time spreading God's words
